Thursday 4 December 2014

Status Bubble

I don't think I'd enjoy this one bit. My emotions change 24/7 depending on who I'm talking to, same as my thoughts, and I would hate for people to know, because if they did, a lot of my secrets would just come tumbling out of my head for anyone and everyone to see. And, personally, I don't want complete strangers to know information only a friend of mine would know.

I would only put in my first name and my gender. Yeah. That's it. To me putting all of your personal information in a bubble above my head is a damn stupid idea. And maybe my medical information because there might be an emergency where people need to know that information. 

I don't know if I live any near sociopaths or psychopaths so yeah. Actually, maybe having that sort of information would be an okay idea. I mean... I guess? At least your family and friends would be able to know if you were going to become a danger to yourself or anyone else or if you need help..? 

With that amount of information, I don't think there be much change in my day-to-day interactions or have an impact on my life. I just think if someone was talking to me on the street they'd say "Hey, Zoe." instead of "Hey, you!". Which might be easier.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Creative Names

Take notes Make notes

When the administrators of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center inProvidence, Rhode Island, adopted six 'therapy' cats from an animal shelter, they had no idea that among them was one that possessed an uncanny sixth sense to predict theimpending death of terminally ill patients.

Oscar the tabby cat's story begins in 2005, when the newly born kitten was placed on third floor of the nursing center, home to patients that are in the last stages of illnesses like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. The kitten spent the first year lazing around and watching the bustling activity around him. Then, just before his first birthday, Oscar began visiting each of the 41-patients on the floor regularly, just like the doctors and nurses did.

Initially, the hospital staff did not pay much attention to the feline's behavior. However, after some of the people that Oscar was snuggled next to passed away, they began to notice a pattern - the cat only went close to those that were a few hours away from dying. Otherwise, he would curl up on a desk and spend the day sleeping.

To test if it was just a coincidence, the staff tried to place Oscar next to a patient they believed was close to dying. But the paranormal cat refused to stay put and decided to snuggle next to someone else. Turns out he was right because 'his' patient died that same evening, while the one whose death the nurses had thought was imminent, lived on for another two days.

Among the biggest believers in Oscar's paranormal powers is Dr. David Dosa, ageriatrician and Assistant Professor at Brown University. He is so convinced of Oscar's unusual 'gift' that he not only published a paper about him in the New England Journal of Medicine, but also wrote a book. Entitled "Making rounds with Oscar: The extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat’, the 2010 publication outlines the various pieces of evidence he has been able to gather about the cat's predicting powers. Also convinced is the hospital staff who has been using Oscar's foretelling abilities to inform family members so they can bid farewell to their loved ones before it's too late.

Of course, not everyone believes that Oscar has a sixth sense. Some feline experts think that his perfect timing may have to do with a certain smell that the cat has come to associate with death. Others speculate it may have to do with the lack of movement in people that are about to die.

Then there are the skeptics who maintain that Oscar's record is not as perfect as it has been made out to be. They think that the hospital staff and Dr. Dosa have simply 'cherry-picked' the occasions when Oscar has been accurate and ignored the ones when he has not. Fortunately, none of this negative chatter has affected nine-year-old Oscar who continues to provide comfort to sick people in their final hours!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Tauranga Girls Orientation

Today all the year 8 girls went to the Tauranga Girls College Orientation day.

Each girl was brought into the hall and seated to meet the Head girls for next year. Soon after we were taken row by row and given four school ambassadors and one teacher, Mrs Potter. We were brought to a classroom and given a packet with multiple things inside. This included a map of the school, fees for each of the classes, stationary lists, ect. Mrs Potter then walked around checking that the school had all the right information about us as we filled in a Time Capsule sheet. It was basically asking us for 3 words to describes ourselves, what we're looking forward to next year, ect. 

Then, the ambassadors took us out of the classroom and showed us around the school. They went from block A to block J, all in alphabetical order.
I didn't learn much. Only where each block was, which is still really confusing. And how rude some of the girls there can be. 

After that, we were brought back into the hall for a karakia then left.

I only remember Anna, the head girl. And Tori, one of the ambassadors that showed us around the school.

I didn't really feel much about the whole thing. Probably just scared, most of all. And... Excited? I guess. I don't know if I cared or not, actually. 

I learnt basically everything I needed to know on the open night. And if anything, the orientation gave us less information that the open night. I was told that we'd find out if we're in accelerant today, but I guess not. I largely hope to be in accelerant.  

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movie Challenge Reflection

Movie Challenge reflection

What your group did well?
I think we worked together really well and was able to film really well as well. Actually overall, I think my group did a goo job.

What would YOU do differently next time?
There was a moment where I asked Rachel to say my line instead of me because I was too shy. Next time I would push past my shyness and give it my all.

Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.
I'd probably try and get better shots. Less shaking of the camera, positions where you could see both Jordan and Noah's face, as I think we could've been able to do that. 


Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie
I think my team and I did really well as to working with each other. There were no arguments, we all listened to each other and we cooperated and made certain situations fair to everyone.

Quality of message - 
Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme
We decided on recreating a situation that Michael actually talked to us about because it was realistic. 
We all understood the messages that Michael taught us which was another reason why we thought the plot we had was a good idea. 

Able to use film making conventions. 
Camera angles, dramatic intention
We had multiple other shots with different angles, we even had the idea of filming a person each when they talked then edit it at the very end to make it all join up. But we decided that would be too difficult and just took simple, but effective shots.

Sound quality. Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard
The sound quality could've been better, but overall you could clearly hear each character. 

Sunday 9 November 2014

Waimarino - Blade of grass

I bounced in delight as rain began to hit my green, sleek back. The water ran down my back and quickly soaked into the dirt below me. Ah... I love the rain. I looked up to the many children with a confused look. Each one of them were jumping up and down, whining about the rain and how cold it was. Their faces were pale with the occasional blue lips and red noses. Half of them began running towards the spa pool. Once in, they let out a sigh of relief. What's their problem? It isn't that cold...! Is it? I hummed as I closely watched each boy and girl, then looked back down at my kind. Each one of us loved it. We never felt any sort of cold... Oh. Right. Humans can actually feel the harsh weather. I grumbled as my eyes lazily glanced over to the children coming my way. I've always wanted to feel what they feel. But I'm just grass. A legit piece blade of grass. I would like to call myself a special piece of grass, but I'm really not. I dragged my attention away from my thoughts and focussed back onto the children, who were stilling sprinting straight in my direction.
Straight in my... Oh no. The stampede of children trampled all over my fragile body, twisting me back and forth into the ground. This was just something I was used to. That doesn't mean it made the experience any less... Annoying. Painful. Disrupting. I'm happy that these kids are fast. They quickly went over me, then went on their way to their destination. I'm sure that if they knew how we felt when they ran over us they wouldn't, but they don't. Suddenly, the children began leaping into the river, making loud "Splish splash!" noises. Seriously? These large creatures were just complaining about how cold it was, but then they jump into the freezing cold river?! The children quickly scrambled out of the river and onto the concrete. I sighed. Silly, silly humans.  

Monday 3 November 2014

Life Ed - Addiction

An addiction is when you need a drug in order to feel normal.

This shows addiction to drugs and how it takes affect. 

Mechanical skills


Change the subject

Walk away
Tell someone or toughen up
Say no

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Life Education

What does methamphetamine do to your body?

When someone takes methamphetamine, the drug creates a false sense of well-being and energy, making the user push their body faster and further than it's actually capable of. The user can endure a severe crash or mental breakdown when trying to get off of the drug. User's can also experience extreme weight loss due to the drug making them loose their appetite.
Methamphetamine can also cause hyperactivity, insomnia, nausea, increased aggressiveness, hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia and convulsions, which in some cases can lead to death.

Some affects are irreversible. Such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, damaged blood vessels in the brain that can cause strokes of irregular heart beat that could cause cardiovascular, collapse or death and liver, kidney and lung damage.

Some users experience brain damage, including memory loss and an inability to keep abstract thoughts.

Before and after shots of methamphetamine. 

(I just put down links because every time I tried inserting a photo my tab would stop responding.)

Before and After 1

Before and After 2

Before and After 3

Antonie Dixon

Antonie Dixon, powered by methamphetamine, attacked his girlfriend and her friend, Simon Butler Renee Gunbie, with a samurai sword in Pipiora before driving to Auckland shooting James Te Aute.
During Dixon's trial, he claimed that he was insane, but was still found guilty for murder, grievous bodily harm, firearms charges and shooting at police.
Dixon was found guilty again at his second trial.
Dixon was found dead in 2009 in his cell the day he was meant to appear at court. Reports say that he hung himself.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Current Events 11

Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's birthday so special?

Bao Bao's birthday is special because her brother, Tai Shan, has lived ti be able to see this milestone in Bao Bao's life. Bao Bao and Tai Shan are both Giant Pandas, and as you may know, these animals are endangered. So Bao Bao living to that age would be a very momentous occasion. Especially with the previous deaths of the five bear cubs of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian. Each died within days.

How did the zookeepers celebrate it?

The zookeepers did multiple things for young Bao Bao.
Firstly, Bao Bao was given the choice of three honey dipped bamboo shoots.
Each stick had a colourfully painted labeled 'Long Life', Good Health' and 'Many Cubs'. Everyone was overjoyed to watch Bao Bao choose the 'Long Life' Bamboo shoot.

The zookeepers also made a very special tier cake for Bao Bao. The Zoo's nutrition department had decided to make a tiered cake that was crafyed for dozen of diluted apple juice and dyed various shades of pink, with beet juice. Frozen in between the slices were Bao Bao's favourite fruits, apple and pears. Flower appliqués carved from carrots and sweet potatoes adorned the top of a large number '1' carved from frozen apple juice, completed the perfect treat.

The guests were also treated with a vanilla and chocolate cake as well as tradition dandan noodles, which were a gift by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China.

What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year? What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two?

Bao Bao has learnt to stand tall on the measuring scale and respond to her own name.
The zookeepers hope to teach her to present her paw when she needs her blood to be drawn and lie down during her monthly ultrasound.

America's Favourite Giant Panda Celebrates First Birthday

Monday 25 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Today, Room 41 went to the Whare Kai to attend a session called "Dangerous Decibels". Dangerous Decibel's is a programme where we were taught about the dangers of hearing loss. 

Our teacher, Toni, took the session. 
Toni spoke about 'decibels'.
Decibels are a way of measuring sound.  
First Toni explained to us how we were able to hear sounds and what parts where included in this process. 
We were told that 85dB was the highest it can go without becoming dangerous.
Toni showed us a chart. This chart had three separate colours. On top of these colours were labels. 
Green represented activities that wouldn't harm our hearing, orange represented things that have a time limit, and red was instantaneous hearing damage.  
She asked us to put our fingers in our ears and attempt to have a normal conversation with the person beside us. She said that is what is was like to have severe hearing loss. 
One of the exercises we had to do including a tuning fork and a ping-pong ball attached to a thread. 
She asked us to hit the fork on the floor, then put it beside our ear to hear a ringing noise.
She then asked us to hit the for on the ground, and place the tip of the fork against the ping-pong ball causing it to bounce back and forth off of the fork. 
Toni then went onto show us the small hairs inside of our hears and the damage that can done to them by using pipe cleaners as an example. Vibrations pass through the hairs, allowing there to be sound.
Another exercise was where Toni asked for three volunteers. Each volunteer was giving a device that recorded the amount of decibels something was creating. Toni explained how once those hairs were damaged, they could never be repaired nor could they regrow. 

After that, we had a conversation on ways to protect our hearing and a conversation on how you can tell if your in risk of having hearing damage.

One thing I learnt was how to actually measure sound, as I never knew.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Current Events 10

How is Bounce Below different from other trampoline parks?

Bounce Below is located at an underground mining cavern, making it rather special. It is also the biggest underground trampoline park in the world.

What are some of the things visitors with experience at Bounce Below?

There is a large selection of trampolines ranging in height to fit to everyone's taste and everyone's ages. The trampolines span to about 10,000 square feet, there's even shoots and ladders. Different coloured lights have been placed around the cavern as a light source, making visitors experience even more surreal, and breath taking.

What are the two zip lines called? What is special about each one?

The two zip lines located at Zip World are called Titan and Velocity. These two zip line are about 45 minutes within each other. Velocity is around one mile long and is also 500 metres above the ground. It is also the northern hemisphere's longest and fastest zip line.
The Titan is the first zip line in the world to house four lines, allowing more than one person at a time to experience this thrill. The Titan goes at 70mph.
Zip World is also now attempting to build the worlds first underground zip line.

Mining Cavern Transforms Into World's Largest Underground Trampoline Park

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Rimu Challenges

A5 - ZoeW - Rimu Tree

P6 - I have done walked the Waikareo track twice with my mother, but being me, I forgot to log in both of those times.

A2 - I was featured in two newspaper articles for my bullying poem and drawing that I did.
Annemarie Quill: Identify hurtful signs of bullying
Anti-bullying campaign launched

I'll probably be posting more tomorrow seeing how I'll finish a few challenges tomorrow.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Homework - A6

Improve your writing skill; Complete a piece of writing and submit it for publishing in a writing competition.

I am nearly done my piece for this competition.
(Heh same contest as Hayley.)

Winter Writing Competition

I'm not gonna link my writing. It puts me off.

Homework - P6

I have been unable to complete or start many challenged this weekend due to how busy Saturday and Sunday was.

I have organised with my mother to walk the Waikareao Estuary with my Mother during the up coming weeks.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Current Events 9

What are androids?

Androids are robots that act and look like how humans do. With the correct programming, scientists would be able to create a friendly, kind personality for an android, being able to be kind to other humans.

Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is human' exhibition? What is their respected roles?

Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro created three androids. One adult that is named Otonaroid, one juvenile named Kodomoroid, , and one infant named Telenoid. The Teleporated Otanroid will work as as the Museum's robot science communicator  for the duration of the exhibition. One of her duties are having one on one conversations with visitors. Kodomoroid will work as the world's first newscaster. Kodomorid can skilfully recite news gathered from around the world via internet feed. Telenoid has a very different role. Telenoid was created to basically resemble... A toddler. Visitors can pick him up and even cuddle him if they want. Telenoid can also have small one on one conversations.

Why are android more difficult to build than normal androids?

Androids, as I said at the start, look like humans. Scientists spend hours creating a complete body cast, right down to the teeth. They literally spend hundreds of hours moulding and painting the features so that the android closely resembles a human being. That's the easy part. Then begins the countless hours if programming and installing complex machinery so that they don't only look like humans, but they can also make physical interactions.

Critical Thinking.
Some people believe robot androids are cool. Others think they are a little creepy. What side are you on? Why?

I don't really know what side I'm on. I mean, they're a little creepy, but they can also be very helpful.
Y'know what? I'm just gonna say that they're cool, for the main fact that they resemble humans.

Japanese Scientists Builds Robots That Look Eerily Human

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Current Events 8

1. Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous? How many hot dogs did he eat?

Takeru Kobayashi gave this competition it's international fame. In 2001, japanese Takeru devoured 50 hot dogs in only 12 minutes. Takeru won this competition for six consecutive years until rookie Joey Chestnut yanked that title away from him in 2007.

2.  How many years has Joey won the contest prior to this year?

Joey has won seven consecutive times prior to this year. This year must've been a lot more special, seeing how he proposed to his girlfriend, Nelsie Ricasa, just before he began the competition.

3. What happened in the women's contest?

Three-time defending women's champion Sonya Thomas was unfortunately beaten by Miki Sudu. Miki ate at least 7 more than Sonya, claiming the title.

Critical Thinking:
What in your opinion makes these food eating competitions so popular?
I think it's the contestants because of how this competition actually became popular. It was all because of one contestant.

Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eight Consecutive Year

Monday 21 July 2014

Bali Inquiry

1. These are offerings to Hindu gods. These parcels consist of many different things. Including rice, flowers, animals, food and many other different things.

2. Education in Bali is very similar to the education we get here in New Zealand. School is compulsory to children between the ages of 7 and 15. State education is free at elementary school level. There are also fee-paying private schools. These schools include religious based schools, international schools and national-plus schools.  

3. These fish are called Garra rufa, or some know them as the Doctor fish. The Doctor Fish are rather beneficial for your skin. These little fish each the dead skin and bacteria off your skin and releases a substance called Dithlanol.  Doctor fish treatments are also very helpful to people who suffer from psoriasis. There are few risks with this treatment, though. Whilst the fish have no teeth to bite you with, there are still chances of bleeding. But then again, this is said to be very relaxaing.

4. Batik is a method of dying textiles and other items. Batik doesn't seem like a hard method, but I wouldn't really know. The method makes use of the resist technique; applying areas of cloth with wax to prevent them from absorbing colours when the cloth is dipped into dye. The wax is also applied to prevent the colours from spreading out to a particular area.  

5. The Saraswati Temple is dedicated to honour the Hindu goddess Saraswati, the goddess of learning, literature and art, which is probably why the temple is so beautiful and artistic. 

Thursday 3 July 2014

Term Two PMI

I achieved the stars wrist band this term.
I am happy with my attendance this term, as last term it wasn't the best.
I was able to draw a bullying poster for a competition, which I was very proud of, if I'm being honest.
My maths level definitely improved this term, this is something I've been hoping to happen.

I was not able to finish my piece of writing for my Writing ICAS test. I hope I still did okay.
The only other minus was the Cross Country run. I will say that the relief that I felt after I had finished it was rather nice.

I did the Writing and Spelling ICAS tests this term. I am anxious, but excited for my results.
I found the year 8 Attitude assembly really interesting and funny.
I found Demon Dentist, the book Mrs Mills has been reading, really interesting and fun to listen to.
I did not expect to get to stage 7 in the IKAN test. Not saying it's a bad thing, of course.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Current Events 7

1. How long ago were these cavemen alive?

2. Where was the human waste found?

3. What was the main diet of the cavemen based on their waste?

4. What vegetables and plants were found in the human waste?

5. Who was one of the students who worked on the study?

6. In what caveman part did they find plant microfossils?

7. What is the scientific name for humans?

1. 50,000
2. Southern Spain
3. Traces of meat
4. Plants, such as tubers, berries, and nuts.
5. Anaira Sistiaga
6. Neanderthal teeth

7. Homo sapiens

Sunday 29 June 2014

Current Events 6

How many years has the "World Ugliest Dog" contest been around? How many contestants did it attract this year?
The contest has been running for 26 years in Santa Rosa, California. This year 29 dogs came to attend the competition.

How did this years winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?

Peanut was severely burnt in a house fire, causing him to lose his lips, most of hid body hair and eyelids. In result to his eyelids being burnt off, his eyes now water constantly. His teeth don't exactly help. Peanut sharp teeth complete the winning 'Ugly' looks.

What is the organisers main purpose for organising this unusual competition?

The animal psychiatrist organised the event started the competition so that he can cheek the well being of these 'ugly' dogs. The competition is also a great way to honour these dogs 'unusual' looks. Unfortunately, a lot of these dogs owe their looks to animal abuse by previous owners.
But, most importantly, this competition helps raise awareness for their adoption by showing the world that it does not take physical detractions do not prevent dogs from becoming loving pets.

Do you think this is an inappropriate competition? What would you change it to?

Uh. I'm not really sure. I mean originally I thought it was kind of.. Sad. Not really inappropriate. I guess. But after reading through the article, I think it is a good way to raise awareness for these pups.
Maybe I'd change the 'Ugly' to something a little less.. Offensive. Whilst I know they are dogs, they probably don't care, I'd still change it.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Current Events 5

What is so special about Migaloo?

Migaloo is a white humpback whale. Migaloo was the first white humpback whale to ever be documented. Being un able to confirm this, they instead refer to him as a 'hyper pigmented' humpback. Migaloo was instantly given the title of 'A special interest whale'. This title is so special, people are fined with $12,500AUD  if they break a 500 meter distance. Airplanes have to be at least 2000 metres away from Migaloo. Migaloo was the first white whale to ever be documented on. Migaloo is also the first white whale in general to ever be seen. Migaloo was even given an Aboriginal name. Migaloo translates to 'White Fella' in Aborigines.

Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.

"On June 19th, a group of animal lovers on a whale watching cruise off the coast of Sydney, were treated to a rare sight - a pod of animals that included Migaloo, the world's first documented white humpback whale."

"Even though fans keep their eyes peeled for this white whale every year, they are not always successful in spotting the elusive mammal."

"Over the years, Migaloo's fans have also built several websites dedicated to his every move and even set up an active Facebook page and Twitter account in his honour."

"Oskar Peterson from Australia's White Whale Research Center speculates that he may be the same white whale the center received notification of, in 1998. If true, it would mean that Migaloo is 26-years-old. Given that the mammals can live up to 80 years, the stunning white humpback whale will continue to delight his fans for many years."

"Not surprisingly, he became an instant local darling and was immediately elevated to the status of 'special interest whale'."

Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback. Is he the only one?

Migaloo is known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback due to his white skin. Scientists believe that his skin condition is albinism but have yet to find proof to support their prediction.

Migaloo is not the only white humpback whale. In September 2011, Alan Fewings and his family reported seeing a white calf amongst a pod of migrating whales. Experts believe that Migaloo and this white calf may be related. But because no one has seen 'Migaloo Junior' since his spotting, they have not been able to confirm this belief.

Critical Thinking :
Do you think Migaloo's special colour helps or hurts him from human predators? Why. 

I think that it helps him, but at the same time might hurt him.
As said in this article, Migaloo is important as important can come. But, this can come at a price.
Just like how rhino horns are valuable, maybe he is too.
A danger to him would be if he were to be caught, killed and sold.
An advantage to his popularity would be how protective how fans are.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Current Events 4

What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?
Rosado uses cornflakes. She thought of the idea whilst she was eating music and listening to her oldies and R&B Music.

Why does it take so long to create each master piece? 
It takes Rosado 5 hours for each masterpiece because she has to sketch the image of the artist, then begins the most annoying, painstaking process. Rosado then proceeds to crush the cereal to the right size so that it can be places to the outline of the sketch. Once she's done the outline, she can then start shaping the artist's features with a pin.

Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosado unveil in 2013?

Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Alicia Keys and former Beatle, John Lennon. In 2013, Rosado unveiled her artwork made completely out of dirt. The picture show was a masterpiece of a girl, swinging off a tree.

Critical Thinking
Why do you think the artist picked Cornflakes and not any other cereal? Can you think of any other everyday food that could be used to create art.

Maybe just because she was eating corn flakes at the time. Maybe it's just an easier material to use, unlike some other foods.
A good food for art in my opinion would be raisins or something small and easy to break apart and work with. I know from experience that it's much easier when something just... Glides across your paper.

Who Knew Corn Flakes Could Looks So Good?

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Current Events 3

Where was the most recent tallest Lego structure built? Who built it? 
The most recent tallest Lego structure was built on front of the Saint Stephen's Basilica in Budapest by a team of official Lego builders from Denmark and children from an elementary school in Budapest.

What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion?
They must remove all wires they used to help the structure stand to prove that the tower can stand by itself. They are also not allowed to use any sort of adhesive to keep the structure together., and also so that they can easily disassemble the structure easily.  

Why does the author believe that a new Lego record will be attempted soon?

The author believes that there will be another attempt to break this record soon is because this record was broken 3 times alone in 2012.

Critical thinking:
What in your opinion makes the building 'the world tallest lego structure' so popular?

I personally don't really care for this topic. I did play with legos as a little girl, but I quickly got over that phase and traded painful blocks with barbie dolls and stuffed toys. I guess people would find it interesting to build such a thing.

114-Foot Tower In Budapest Is The World's Tallest Lego Structure

Monday 16 June 2014

Current Events 2

What is unusual about the crocodiles that live at Nyanyana farm?  
The crocodiles at Nyanyana farm are vegetarians. The crocodiles are a lot more mellow than other crocodiles that eat meat and they also have skin that is softer than other crocodiles that eats meat. These crocodiles also sleep 23 hours a day, this makes it easier for the caretakers to clean the enclosures.

How did they turn this way?
In 2006, during Zimbabwe's economical crisis, the farm found it almost impossible to be able to afford meat to feed the 164,000 crocodiles. Nyanyana farm then began feeding the crocodiles pellets that were a mix of vegetables and meat. After noticing that the crocodiles did not seem to affect the crocodiles health, they gradually began to abolish the meat in the pellets. This turned the crocodiles into 100% vegetarians. 

What are the crocodiles being bred for? 
The crocodiles at Nyanyana farm are being bred for their soft skin. The skin is then sold to European tanneries and formed into leather. This leather is then sold to companies like Hermes and Gucci to make expensive handbags, shoes, belts and other clothing. 

Critical Thinking: 
How do you feel about the crocodiles being bred for their skin? It is different from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat? Why? 

I think it's unnecessary to kill any sort of animals for clothing or house ornaments. 
It's just selfish.
Killing cows and chickens is for food. We need food to survive. 
But leather for shoes, handbags and belts? 
As I said. It's just man kind being selfish. 
They may be 'free ranged' but they are still being killed for un

It's kind of different when it comes to cow farms and all that.
This farm is for their skin, whilst other farms are for their skin and meat. 
We need meat. 
If it's cage farms, then I'm completely against it.
If it's free range, I'm... okay with it.
I'm kind of a fence sitter. 

Sunday 15 June 2014

Current Events

  1. What did Malavath do? Why does the author believe it is so admirable? - Malavath is the youngest person to climb Mount Everest. 
  2. What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb? What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp?  - Malavath had to pass a professional training session at the Darjeeling Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. She then hoisted the Indian flag.
  3. How long did it take the team to get to the summit? What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people? It took them 52 days. Malavath hopes her achievements will inspire other under privileged children.  

Sunday 4 May 2014

Gate Pa Commemoration Inquiry

The first person is Bill Henry "Willie" Apiata

Willie Apiata is a former corporal in the New Zealand Air Service. He was the first recipient of the Victorian Cross for New Zealand. Willie Apiata received the award for  bravery under fire during Afghanistan Conflict during 2004, after carrying a gravely injured wounded comrade across a battlefield, under fire, to safety.

Jerry Mateparae

Jerry is the Governor-General of New Zealand. He was chief of the New Zealand defence between 2006 and 2011. He is the second Māori person to hold the office (After Sir Paul Reeves) and the Director of the New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau from 7th February 2011 til 1st July 2011 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Homework 3

Khan Academy 

Prototec Maths


"Student led conferences blog post - create a blog post with your parents about your student led conference. How did it go? What was it like having them in class? What did they like about the process? What did you like? What would you/they like to do differently next time? Take a 'selfie' of you all and add it to the post."

My Mum and I thought my student led conferences went well. It was interesting having her in the class, seeing how she's usually not there as often. It was also interesting to see her reaction to what I've been doing. I liked talking through it all with my mother. The fact that she knows where I am in everything is just a nice feeling. The only thing my mother and I would have differently next time is not wait in the rain.

Jack the Ripper.
(Excuse how sloppy it is and the terrible lighting. Blogger has the tendency of doing that. Originally the background was darker and the gradation was more visible. The version on my computer looks a lot better)

Thursday 13 March 2014

Maths - Homework

Prototec Basic Facts

Tech - Art

Session One:

This session, we learnt how to make multi coloured prints, simply by printing out a light colour (Yellow), then going back onto your template, cut/draw what you want to be yellow, then print it with a new colour.

Session Two:

We started on our wood carving of Gate Pa Battle and we did our first colour. My carving was of a maori woman warrior. We also learnt out to safely use the wood carving tools.

Session Three
We continued on our wood carvings and started printing with one colour. Whilst my print did not turn out well the day before, the second colour that I did this session made it look much better.

Session Four
Unfortunately, I was sick.

Sunday 2 March 2014

45 Minute Inquiry - Why don't we want to see these animals in NZ bush?

Room 41 has done a 45 minute Inquiry on why Possums don't want to be seen in the NZ bush, this is what I found out.

Possums are very big pests.
Possum were brought over to New Zealand by Sailors from North America, there are now about 50-70 million Possums in New Zealand, 2/3 of the population living in the North Island. 
Possums infect cattle with Bovine Tuberculosis.
Possums weigh around 2-5 kgs,  and can bring a hell of a punch. 
Possums are hunted for fur.
They eat 2100 tons of of bush a night.
The main reason we don't want to see Possums in our bushes is because they destroy our trees, eat native and endangered bird eggs and kill wild life. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentines Day Inquiry

St Valentines was a Roman priest who was secretly organising weddings for soldiers. He was jailed then sentenced to death by the King on February 14th AD 270. We exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers, with our special valentines. A special valentine is someone that you love.

American spend up to 3.6 billion dollars on Valentines gift each year. 50 million roses are sold each year on Valentines Day. 73% of people who buy flowers for Valentines day are men and 27% are women.15% of the US women send themselves flowers on Valentines day. Eros is the greek god of love and his roman form is Cupid.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Waitangi Day

Our 45 minute Inquiry was about Waitangi Day, here is what I learnt.
The Waitangi treaty was made to bring the Brittish and Maori people together. 
The Waitnagi treaty was signed on the sixth of February, 1840 by multiple Maori tribes, with a maximum of 240 people. The treaty became official in 1934 and became a holiday in 1974. The signing of the treaty was witness by six English men, James Busby, Henry Williams, Richard Taylor, John Mason, Samuel Ironside and James Stuart Freeman. 
There were nine copies of the treaty made. 
The main cause of the protesting was to, 'remind', the government to respect and honour the treaty. 
Thank you for reading what information I have collected.