Monday 16 June 2014

Current Events 2

What is unusual about the crocodiles that live at Nyanyana farm?  
The crocodiles at Nyanyana farm are vegetarians. The crocodiles are a lot more mellow than other crocodiles that eat meat and they also have skin that is softer than other crocodiles that eats meat. These crocodiles also sleep 23 hours a day, this makes it easier for the caretakers to clean the enclosures.

How did they turn this way?
In 2006, during Zimbabwe's economical crisis, the farm found it almost impossible to be able to afford meat to feed the 164,000 crocodiles. Nyanyana farm then began feeding the crocodiles pellets that were a mix of vegetables and meat. After noticing that the crocodiles did not seem to affect the crocodiles health, they gradually began to abolish the meat in the pellets. This turned the crocodiles into 100% vegetarians. 

What are the crocodiles being bred for? 
The crocodiles at Nyanyana farm are being bred for their soft skin. The skin is then sold to European tanneries and formed into leather. This leather is then sold to companies like Hermes and Gucci to make expensive handbags, shoes, belts and other clothing. 

Critical Thinking: 
How do you feel about the crocodiles being bred for their skin? It is different from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat? Why? 

I think it's unnecessary to kill any sort of animals for clothing or house ornaments. 
It's just selfish.
Killing cows and chickens is for food. We need food to survive. 
But leather for shoes, handbags and belts? 
As I said. It's just man kind being selfish. 
They may be 'free ranged' but they are still being killed for un

It's kind of different when it comes to cow farms and all that.
This farm is for their skin, whilst other farms are for their skin and meat. 
We need meat. 
If it's cage farms, then I'm completely against it.
If it's free range, I'm... okay with it.
I'm kind of a fence sitter. 

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely a fence sitter!! Do we need meat to survive? This article shows that these crocodiles don't so why can't we become vegetarians and save the cows and chickens too?
