Thursday 3 July 2014

Term Two PMI

I achieved the stars wrist band this term.
I am happy with my attendance this term, as last term it wasn't the best.
I was able to draw a bullying poster for a competition, which I was very proud of, if I'm being honest.
My maths level definitely improved this term, this is something I've been hoping to happen.

I was not able to finish my piece of writing for my Writing ICAS test. I hope I still did okay.
The only other minus was the Cross Country run. I will say that the relief that I felt after I had finished it was rather nice.

I did the Writing and Spelling ICAS tests this term. I am anxious, but excited for my results.
I found the year 8 Attitude assembly really interesting and funny.
I found Demon Dentist, the book Mrs Mills has been reading, really interesting and fun to listen to.
I did not expect to get to stage 7 in the IKAN test. Not saying it's a bad thing, of course.

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