Thursday 24 July 2014

Current Events 9

What are androids?

Androids are robots that act and look like how humans do. With the correct programming, scientists would be able to create a friendly, kind personality for an android, being able to be kind to other humans.

Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is human' exhibition? What is their respected roles?

Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro created three androids. One adult that is named Otonaroid, one juvenile named Kodomoroid, , and one infant named Telenoid. The Teleporated Otanroid will work as as the Museum's robot science communicator  for the duration of the exhibition. One of her duties are having one on one conversations with visitors. Kodomoroid will work as the world's first newscaster. Kodomorid can skilfully recite news gathered from around the world via internet feed. Telenoid has a very different role. Telenoid was created to basically resemble... A toddler. Visitors can pick him up and even cuddle him if they want. Telenoid can also have small one on one conversations.

Why are android more difficult to build than normal androids?

Androids, as I said at the start, look like humans. Scientists spend hours creating a complete body cast, right down to the teeth. They literally spend hundreds of hours moulding and painting the features so that the android closely resembles a human being. That's the easy part. Then begins the countless hours if programming and installing complex machinery so that they don't only look like humans, but they can also make physical interactions.

Critical Thinking.
Some people believe robot androids are cool. Others think they are a little creepy. What side are you on? Why?

I don't really know what side I'm on. I mean, they're a little creepy, but they can also be very helpful.
Y'know what? I'm just gonna say that they're cool, for the main fact that they resemble humans.

Japanese Scientists Builds Robots That Look Eerily Human

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