Thursday 10 April 2014

Homework 3

Khan Academy 

Prototec Maths


"Student led conferences blog post - create a blog post with your parents about your student led conference. How did it go? What was it like having them in class? What did they like about the process? What did you like? What would you/they like to do differently next time? Take a 'selfie' of you all and add it to the post."

My Mum and I thought my student led conferences went well. It was interesting having her in the class, seeing how she's usually not there as often. It was also interesting to see her reaction to what I've been doing. I liked talking through it all with my mother. The fact that she knows where I am in everything is just a nice feeling. The only thing my mother and I would have differently next time is not wait in the rain.

Jack the Ripper.
(Excuse how sloppy it is and the terrible lighting. Blogger has the tendency of doing that. Originally the background was darker and the gradation was more visible. The version on my computer looks a lot better)

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