Thursday 13 March 2014

Maths - Homework

Prototec Basic Facts

Tech - Art

Session One:

This session, we learnt how to make multi coloured prints, simply by printing out a light colour (Yellow), then going back onto your template, cut/draw what you want to be yellow, then print it with a new colour.

Session Two:

We started on our wood carving of Gate Pa Battle and we did our first colour. My carving was of a maori woman warrior. We also learnt out to safely use the wood carving tools.

Session Three
We continued on our wood carvings and started printing with one colour. Whilst my print did not turn out well the day before, the second colour that I did this session made it look much better.

Session Four
Unfortunately, I was sick.

Sunday 2 March 2014

45 Minute Inquiry - Why don't we want to see these animals in NZ bush?

Room 41 has done a 45 minute Inquiry on why Possums don't want to be seen in the NZ bush, this is what I found out.

Possums are very big pests.
Possum were brought over to New Zealand by Sailors from North America, there are now about 50-70 million Possums in New Zealand, 2/3 of the population living in the North Island. 
Possums infect cattle with Bovine Tuberculosis.
Possums weigh around 2-5 kgs,  and can bring a hell of a punch. 
Possums are hunted for fur.
They eat 2100 tons of of bush a night.
The main reason we don't want to see Possums in our bushes is because they destroy our trees, eat native and endangered bird eggs and kill wild life.