Sunday, 28 July 2013

I came 167th in cross country :) When I come to think of it I could've done better :l

Monday, 10 June 2013

Go to this link to see my Rimu Tree presentation :)
Rimu Tree Homework Challenge

Sunday, 9 June 2013

So this weekend wasn't very excited, my Dad finished my rabbits hutch, he did an amazing job :) But besides that I just had a movie weekend.
Hello everyone
So as you know Rimu house is doing this home work challenge task when we have to do 2 challenges from 5 categories, rounding up to 10 challenges.
This is what I'll be doing
Giving: I'll be making 3 three course meals for my family and I will design a challenge
Physical activity: I'll be walking/running the Waikareao Estuary trail and I will also swim 1000 m non stop.
Excellence in the arts: I will be creating an orignal artwork out of recycled materials and design a challenge.
Academic Skills: I will be completing a 10x10 grid under 2 minutes and learn more about the Rimu tree , why it is so important to the Māori people?, where do you find it?, what uses does it have? and why is it the best tree in he school?

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Hello :) Just updating. So, on the 30th of april, I got a new pet :) Her name is Tali and she is a beautiful baby bunny :D Her breed is a Jersey Wooly mixed with a Nether Land Dwarf (That's why her ears are so small!) We call her Dagggers, as a nickname. We call her this because her claws are as sharp as daggers! She has been happily living with us for around half a month now, and she will continue to live happily with us :) 

Monday, 8 April 2013

Hello :D

Hi my name is Zoe, and this is my blog :D